Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Anti Diet Pills, Here's How Defrina Successfully Lower 15 Kg Weight in 8 Months


Anti Diet Pills, Here's How Defrina Successfully Lower 15 Kg Weight in 8 Months

    Padang - Since childhood, Defrina M Rahma (23) claimed to have excessive weight. This even lasted until he sat in college. Nevertheless, he was not discouraged trying to apply a healthy lifestyle.As a result within 15 months he managed to lose weight as much as 15 kg, from the original 85 kg to 70 kg. Defrina confessed in a diet, she did not consume diet pills at all. Like what Defrina diet tricks? Here's the story, as written detikHealth on Tuesday (3/1/2017): Since moving to the city of Padang, precisely since I grade 3 SD, I already have a rather excessive weight. Even when my elementary school already weighs up to 60 kg. Entering college, I also feel my weight getting up to 85 kg.Kebetulan I have friends with the same weight, until finally we agreed to lose weight together. Precisely in the new year 2013, I started my determination to a healthy diet. My principle, I will not take diet pills. I started this diet with 5 meals a day. In the morning I have breakfast fruit or oatmeal, then I always drink 3 carrots, then in the afternoon I eat more vegetables. In the afternoon I eat fruits and the night I choose to consume two egg white eggs. For carbohydrates, I try to routinely eat lunch with brown rice. Meanwhile, for the sport I focus on running. From the beginning did not feel strong running for 10 mneit, in time I was strong running for an hour per session. With this diet and exercise, not felt for 8 months my weight down 15 kg. Although the time may be a bit longer, I now feel more fresh, my skin also looks cleaner because it often eat fruit and vegetables. In daily activities I am also more enthusiastic with this gradual and healthy process. Read also: Expand Eat Vegetables and Reduce Rice, Weight Loss Kibeng Down 13 Kg! (ajg / vit)




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