Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Weight Dropped 19 Kg Because Replace Snacks with Biscuits Wheat and

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Weight Dropped 19 Kg Because Replace Snacks with Biscuits Wheat and






Jakarta - If first R. M Angga Nugraha (23) hoby snacking potato chips, so this time the snack menu switch to wheat biscuits and nuts. Although it looks simple, this routine helps lower body weight from the beginning of 85 kg to 66 kg. Yes, Angga now become more confident with the body weight changes it. Aga talks on detikHealth, as written on Tuesday (08/07/2014): Previously began to diet, my groove is so messy. I do not even think about what I eat. Swallow a bag of potato chips is my hoby, even though the actual calories contained so high and minimal nutrition. Not yet my hoby late at night ie swallow two packets of instant noodles plus eggs of cow's eye. This groove is so often I do. Although in fact I was so lazy physical activity such as exercise. Finally with a height 166 cm, my body weight is in figure 85 kg. I then took the decision to change the groove. I have breakfast cereal or whole wheat bread with sweet tea or milk coffee. In the afternoon I keep eating white rice, it's just the portion is limited. Then I also multiply fiber and protein in order to be full longer. For snacking I commonly eat whole-wheat biscuits, nuts or low-fat milk. At night the same day, just limited carbohydrates and more fiber and protein. Meal according to the same groove I work with also physical busyness, ie exercise lightly and regularly throughout 2-4 times a week. Exercise I work on is a combination of aerobics and abilities. For my general aerobics jogging as well as for training my ability do circuit training such as push-ups, squat jumps, mountain climber, and so on. Incidentally I have a pair of dumbbells have a size of 6 kg and I can use to train my muscles. Furthermore my body weight down and now so 66 kg. I still want to reduce it to around 63 kg. Therefore I keep moving this groove up to the next. I think the diet is not really a matter of coercion, but the arrangement of grooves that get better from the beginning. (ajg / rdn)


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Weight of Angga Down 19 Kg Thanks to Replace Snack with Biscuits Wheat and Beans Jakarta - If previously R.M Angga Nugraha (23) hobby snacking potato chips, so now the snack menu turned into wheat and nut crackers. Although it looks simple, this habit helps lose weight from the original 85 kg to 66 kg. Yes, Angga now become much more confident with the change in body weight. The following narrative Anga to detikHealth, as written on Tuesday (8/7/2014): Before starting the diet, my diet is very messy. I did not even think about what I was eating. Eating a bag of potato chips is my hobby, but the calories contained very high and minimal nutrition. Not to mention my midnight hobby of eating two packets of instant noodles plus eggs of cow's eye. This diet is very often I do. Though I am very lazy to do physical activity like sports. The result with a height 166 cm, my weight was in the figure of 85 kg.Saya then decided to change the diet. I have breakfast cereal or whole wheat bread with sweet tea or milk coffee. In the afternoon I still eat white rice, only the portion is limited. Then I also multiply the fibers and proteins to be full longer. For snacking I used to eat whole wheat biscuits, peanuts or low fat milk. At night the same as afternoon, it's just limited carbohydrates and more fiber and protein. Such a diet I do also with physical activity, ie mild exercise and regularly for 2-4 times a week. The exercise I do is a combination of aerobics and strength. For aerobics I used to jog and for strength training I did circuit training like push-ups, squat jumps, mountain climber, and others. I happen to have a pair of 6 kg dumbbells and I can use to train my muscles. At last my weight dropped and now it is 66 kg. I still want to lower it to about 63 kg. For that I keep running this diet until the next. I think the diet itself is not a matter of coercion, but setting the diet better than ever. (ajg / rdn) "

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Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Im Jahr 2016 sank die Anzahl der Untergewicht Stunting und Skinny in Indonesien

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Im Jahr 2016 sank die Anzahl der Untergewicht Stunting und Skinny in Indonesien


Jakarta, Nutrition Status Monitoring (PSG) im Jahr 2016 zeigt eine Abnahme der Anzahl der Kleinkinder (Stunting). In ähnlicher Weise, untergewichtige Kleinkinder, sank die Zahl, obwohl nicht zu groß.Data PSG 2015 zeigt die Zahl der Kleinkinder stagnieren 29,1 Prozent (sehr kurz 10,1 Prozent und kurz 18,9 Prozent). In der Zwischenzeit sank die Zahl der Kleinkinder im Jahr 2016 auf 27,5 Prozent (sehr kurz 8,5 Prozent und 19 Prozent kurz). Nichtsdestotrotz ist dies immer noch ein Gesundheitsproblem, denn laut WHO-Empfehlung muss die Zahl der unter 5-Jährigen unterschritten werden. Dann im Jahr 2015 sehr dünn untergewichtig 3,7 Prozent und dünn 8,2 Prozent (11,9 Prozent insgesamt), während im Jahr 2016 sehr dünn 3,1 Prozent und dünn 8,0 Prozent (insgesamt 11,1 Prozent). Trotz dieses Rückgangs ist dies immer noch ein Problem, denn die Empfehlung der WHO, Kinder unter fünf Jahren unterzugewichten und unterzugewichten, muss unter fünf Prozent liegen. Im Zusammenhang mit diesem Ergebnis konzentrierte sich Kemenkes 2017 auf vier Programme des ausschließlichen Stillens, Anämie bei Schwangeren, Wachstumsstörungen in Baduta unter zwei Jahren und Wachstumsüberwachung bei Säuglingen. Dies wurde durch den Generaldirektor des Gesundheitsministeriums Gesundheitsministerium Dr. Anung Sugihantono MKes.Baca auch: Die Bedeutung der Ernährungsbedürfnisse von Kindern bei KleinkindernTarget Stunting unsere Verpflichtung wird 25 Prozent reduzieren. Wenn im Jahr 2017 nicht kotzen, weil das Maximum von 2 oder 3 Prozent pro Jahr sinken. Wenn jetzt 27,5 Prozent, im Jahr 2017 das Maximum könnte auf 25 Prozent fallen, sagte Dr. Anung in der 57. National Anniversary Memorial im Büro des Ministeriums für Gesundheit, Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Mittwoch (25/1 / 2017). Während Anämie bei schwangeren Frauen ist die Zahl immer noch 37 Prozent und gezielte Indonesien könnte die Zahl 25 Prozent reduzieren. Aber Veränderungen im Verhalten der schwangeren Frauen und derer sind sicherlich nicht einfach. Dafür wird erwartet, dass im nächsten Jahr die Zahl 5-10 Prozent fallen könnte. ASI exklusive Ziel stieg auf 80 Prozent, jetzt sind wir noch 63 Prozent, fügte Dr. Anung.Data PSG 2016 auch den Ernährungsstatus von Kindern. Prozentsatz der Unterernährung in Baduta 3,1 Prozent und Kleinkinder 3,4 Prozent. Dann sind in Baduta 7,1 Prozent sehr kurz und 14,6 Prozent kurz. In Kleinkindern sind 8,5 Prozent sehr kurz und 19 Prozent kurz. Dann ist Baduta mit 3,7 Prozent sehr dünn und 8,9 Prozent dünn. Während in Säuglingen, 3,1 Prozent sind sehr dünn und 8 Prozent dünn.Spot Proben von Kleinkindern in PSG 2016, das ist 167.532 von 514 Bezirken / Städten in 34 Provinzen in ganz Indonesien. In der Zwischenzeit die Anzahl der Proben von schwangeren Frauen so viel wie 53.216.Lesen Sie auch: Dieser Arzt Said Dairy Nutrition zu Boost Kleinkind Gewicht (rdn / vit)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Sport Come prevenire al meglio il cancro al seno


Sport Come prevenire al meglio il cancro al seno


Jakarta, Dopo aver subito la terapia, c'è la possibilità che il cancro possa ancora tornare. Per evitare ciò, generalmente si consiglia a un paziente di mantenere lo stile di vita più sano. Secondo uno studio recente, uno dei migliori cambiamenti nello stile di vita per prevenire il ritorno della malattia, specialmente nei pazienti con cancro mammario, è quello di esercitare regolarmente. La dottoressa Ellen Warner dell'Osette Cancer Center, leader dello studio, ha scoperto dopo aver esaminato i dati di circa 70 articoli. L'esercizio di routine come raccomandato 150 minuti a settimana secondo il dott. Ellen può ridurre il rischio di morte per cancro al seno del 40 percento. È solo un peccato che ci siano ancora molti pazienti che non riescono a raggiungere il livello di esercizio consigliato. Leggi anche: Ciao Donne, Percorsi sportivi per ridurre il rischio di cancro ovarico! Gli sport hanno molti vantaggi per ridurre il rischio di ritorno del cancro. Inoltre, ci sono anche altri benefici come aiutare a gestire il peso e ridurre gli effetti collaterali della chemioterapia, delle radiazioni e della terapia ormonale, ha detto il dott. Ellen come citato da Reuters martedì (28/2/2017). Pubblicato nella rivista Canadian Medical Association, il dott. Ellen aggiungendo un aumento di peso a un paziente aumenterà ulteriormente il rischio di ritorno del cancro. Pertanto anche il tasso di probabilità di sopravvivenza diminuirà. Nel frattempo, anche i cambiamenti nella dieta vengono esaminati e i risultati non influenzano significativamente la probabilità di ritorno del cancro. Qualcuno che consuma alta frutta e verdura ha ancora le stesse possibilità di chi consuma una dieta ricca di carne. Il rischio di morte per nuovo tumore aumenterà quando una persona consuma una dieta ricca di grassi saturi. Una donna con cancro al seno non ha bisogno di cambiare la dieta estrema (come evitare carne, zucchero, soia, ecc.) ... Non ci sono prove che queste cose siano efficaci ", ha concluso la dott.ssa Ellen. Leggi anche: Yuk, Prevenire il cancro con questi 10 esercizi (fds / up)